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  • Dean's List

    Congratulations to the high-achieving students named to the Dean’s List of Goucher College!

    The Dean´s List is a competitive award bestowed by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to students in recognition of their academic excellence.

    At the end of each semester, students who have demonstrated an exceptional level of academic achievement for that semester are named to the Dean’s List. The minimum term grade point average for Dean’s List is as follows:

    First-year: 3.80
    Sophomores: 3.85
    Juniors: 3.90
    Seniors: 3.95

    Full-time students must complete at least 12 graded credits in the fall or spring semester to be eligible. Part-time students are eligible for Dean’s list when they complete a total of at least 12 graded credits in the fall and spring of an academic year. Courses taken for a P/NP grade do not count as “graded credits” for Dean’s List purposes.

    The Dean’s List is created one-to-two months after the end of the final-exam grading period for the fall and spring semesters. This timing allows for grade reporting, grade changes, the clearing of incomplete grades, and other end-of-semester actions.

    The associate provost for undergraduate studies cannot calculate the term GPA of students with missing grades or grades in progress. It is a student’s responsibility to follow up with the associate provost for undergraduate studies at associateprovost@81623464.com if a faculty member has requested a change of grade on their behalf which has made them eligible to be on the Dean’s List after it has been posted.


    Fall 2024 Dean's List